Sunday, July 26, 2009

Mr. Pizza Factory

Mr. Pizza Factory, located on Wilshire Blvd. in Koreatown, serves the Koreans' take on pizza. The menu offers bulgogi pizza, potato pizza, and even pizza with crab meat. If pizza isn't your thing, they also have pasta and rice dishes. We've been to Mr. Pizza a few times and what keeps us coming back is the sweet potato crusted pizza.

When we arrived to Mr. Pizza, there was a small wait for our table. Ten minutes later, we were seated.

After we ordered, they brought over some bread sticks and pickles for us to nibble on. We're not a fan of pickles, so we didn't really touch it. We also did not see how it went with the bread.

For our appetizer, we ordered the Soup of the Day: Vegetable and Calamari Soup. We had good service, but when the waitress brought over the soup, we seriously thought she was going to spill it on the table because she couldn't hold it steady. Perhaps it would've been better if it spilled because the soup was disappointing. It tasted like canned soup, it was bland, and the calamari tasted overcooked and old. The soup was not a good way to start our dinner.

What made up for a disappointing appetizer was our main course: the Potato Gold with the Premium Crust: Sweet Potato Crust. We enjoyed the unique pizza toppings, which included potato, bacon, mushrooms, onions, corn, cheddar cheese, nacho chips, and a drizzle of sour cream. Sounds crazy, but everything went well together. The pizza bread, which is handed kneaded (see picture above), was oily, though. This caused the bread to not be toasty.

Our favorite part was the sweet potato crust. It is encased in baked cheese that added a slight crunch. The sweet potato is salty, but sweet. After consuming the salty toppings of the pizza, the taste of the sweet potato brings a happy ending.

We don't think there is any other place where you can get such unique toppings. Mr. Pizza Factory offers that specialty in their pizzas. We recommend skipping the appetizers, though and going for a few different pizzas.

Mr Pizza Factory on Urbanspoon

Mr. Pizza in Los Angeles

Mr. Pizza Factory
3881 Wilshire Blvd

Los Angeles, CA 90010

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  1. That pizza kind of scares me a little bit. Nacho chips? Sour cream? Bacon?

    I may just have to taste this for myself... :)

  2. these pictures are awesome! you should submit them to, which compiles photos taken at restaurants, cafes, bakeries, etc... to create a visual restaurant review site (similar to tastespotting, but without recipe photos)

  3. What an interesting welcome to be greeted by 2 pandas! Great post :)

  4. I've heard the sweet potato crust is amazing. I will have to try this even tho' it scares me a little.

  5. I also have to give this place a try, especially the amount of times I visit K Town!

  6. I've eaten here several times and i'd have to say that if you wanted to eat korean-style pizza this is definitely the place to go! their seafood pasta was surprisingly good as well!! glad you enjoyed the sweet potato crust! some of my friends couldn't stand it!!
